ObamaGate is Only the Beginning...

Former President Barack Obama has claimed that his administration persisted without a major scandal, which is markedly different from many past presidents. What he failed to realize was that the American people would soon find out that he led a coup d'etat against a duly elected president: Donald J. Trump.  The clip below from Watters' World on Fox News set off a firestorm of people on social media who spread the hashtag #obamagate. It reached #1 in "Trending" on Twitter with hundreds of thousands of tweets. Jesse Watters carefully explains what seems to have happened at an Oval Office meeting on January 5th, 2017. It is clear that Obama was directly involved in the Russian Collusion Delusion. Obama also targeted General Mike Flynn in this meeting and discussed using the Logan Act against him.  Stay tuned to the Trumplican Party social media, which will be sharing exclusive updates on this developing story. Please like and share all content to spread the word. 

Why We Must Resist the Tyranny of the Governors

On April 15, 2020, thousands of people from Michigan descended upon the State Capitol to protest the unnecessary measures that Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) has taken. This caused mass gridlock in the area of the State Capitol.

Courtesy of Salon
The left-wing news media quickly to criticizing members of the right that participated in the rally. A Salon article calls these people a part of "Trump's death cult." If protesting for our rights makes us part of a death cult, so be it. What Governor Whitmer is doing is not right. It crosses the line. Although we are in the middle of a pandemic, we still have a Constitution. And unlike Governor Whitmer, we have read it.

Courtesy of CNN

What did Whitmer do to deserve the protests?

Whitmer has violated Americans' constitutional rights by banning travel from one residence to another. This expressly interferes with our property rights. Furthermore, Gov. Whitmer has prohibited Michiganians from buying certain goods, according to a MichiganLive article.

Courtesy of MLive

Though false reports did arise, the Governor did indeed require large stores to cut off some sections of their stores, which prevented Americans from buying their desired goods.

It is about time that patriots stood up and expressed their outrage against Governor Whitmer and her exercise of outrageous authority.

Be well and stay strong, Trumplicans!


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