
Showing posts from June, 2019

ObamaGate is Only the Beginning...

Former President Barack Obama has claimed that his administration persisted without a major scandal, which is markedly different from many past presidents. What he failed to realize was that the American people would soon find out that he led a coup d'etat against a duly elected president: Donald J. Trump.  The clip below from Watters' World on Fox News set off a firestorm of people on social media who spread the hashtag #obamagate. It reached #1 in "Trending" on Twitter with hundreds of thousands of tweets. Jesse Watters carefully explains what seems to have happened at an Oval Office meeting on January 5th, 2017. It is clear that Obama was directly involved in the Russian Collusion Delusion. Obama also targeted General Mike Flynn in this meeting and discussed using the Logan Act against him.  Stay tuned to the Trumplican Party social media, which will be sharing exclusive updates on this developing story. Please like and share all content to spread the word. 

ICE to remove MILLIONS of Illegal Immigrants

Yesterday, President Trump announced that ICE will be removing "millions of illegal aliens" in the United States. He didn't offer many more details on this groundbreaking announcement.  Courtesy of ABC News Trump did, however, say that "they will be removed as fast as they come."  And like myself, you might feel happy that someone is finally doing something about the millions of undocumented immigrants in this country. I am here to attempt to give you a voice, as you are vilified by the left for... believing in border security and consequences for actions.  Here's the truth. Many of these people that came over our Southern border are good people with noble intentions. Personally, I have been down to our border in Arizona, where I spoke to recently deported migrants. Many of them just wanted to see their family or desperately yearned to find a place where they can make a living wage. I recognize and acknowledge the positive impact that immigrants ...